Kingfish are hard fighting game fish found around 80% of the country. With strongholds on the north-eastern side of the North Island, they make their presence felt to all anglers that tangle with them. They inhabit rocky headlands and coastal reef complexes as well as seamounts and large coastal bays. Their range is significant enough to have them placed in other parts of the world including the USA, Mexico, Japan, Norfolk Island, Cost Rica and Australia.

They live in the pelagic zone and therefore are accessible to many angling techniques such as – deep jigging, trolling, high-speed spinning, live baiting, fly fishing and spearfishing. They are a schooling fish and rarely seen alone. With their size, speed and agility they can handle almost any saltwater environment and using their skills as pack hunters incredibly well – virtually anything is on the kingfish’s menu! From squid to small fish, even rock lobsters with their armour of shell and spines is no match for the ferocity of a pack of hungry kings.

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  • Size: 1kg – 40kg
  • Distribution: North and South Islands
  • Hotspots: Current-licked headlands, deep pinnacles, lumps or drop offs.
  • Fishing type: Medium to large hard and soft body lures. Live baits such as squid and yellowtail.

Best Lures

Gulp! 9″ Jerskhad
Powerbait 6″ HD Hollowbelly
Skid Jig-100grm GRN_sm


Snapper are found in sub-tropical and southern waters throughout the North Island and the northern end of the South Island. A highly prized fish and one found quite readily around the inshore reefs and bays; the snapper is an opportunistic feeder that will devour almost anything it can fit in its mouth. Having crushing teeth and a thick-set jaw allows the snapper to crush shellfish, kina, crayfish and other hard-exoskeleton creatures with ease. A medium to slow-moving fish, the snapper will run with strength but will soon tire into a head shacking battle that has them pulling above their weight.

Prized as a table fish, the snapper is one of New Zealand’s most popular sports fish and is commercially harvested from wild stock. Broad catch restrictions apply to both rec and pro anglers regarding the size and take of these fish. Juveniles are great sport on light line with soft baits fished over shallow ground.

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  • Size: 1 – 15kg
  • Distribution: North Island – Northern South Island
  • Hotspots: Shallow grounds, headland washes, edges of reef systems, inshore bommies, surf beaches and bays.
  • Fishing type: All medium to large hard and soft body lures. Fresh baits such as pilchards and livebaits such as squid and yellowtail.

Best Lures

Gulp! 5″ Grub
GuLP! 6.5″ Nemesis


Kahawai are found along coastal beaches and rocky headlands, in estuary systems, bays & harbours. The juveniles can be known as ‘bay trout’ or ‘spotties’ and the adults as ‘black backs’ or ‘greenbacks’. These fish can be found by boat anglers pushing bait to the surface to feed and therefore, will generally have sea birds working just above the surface eating the pushed up bait. Looking for these birds is an excellent way to find them.

A schooling fish, the Kahawai uses its eyes to find food rather then it’s a sense of smell. So daylight hours are preferred to catch this fish. High tides on beaches and in estuaries are favourable as it allows the fish a safer depth to feed in and easier access to food.

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  • Size: 1 – 4kg
  • Distribution: North Island – Northern South Island
  • Hotspots: Shallow grounds, headland washes, edges of reef systems, inshore bommies, surf beaches and bays.
  • Fishing type: All medium to large hard and soft body lures. Fresh baits such as pilchards and livebaits such as squid and yellowtail.

Best Lures

Gulp! 3″ Minnow
Powerbait 3″ Dropshot Minnow
Skid Jig-100grm PK_sm


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